258B CEDAR ROAD, Chartwell, South Africa
-25.980670332706, 27.969619300061
The Green school is a private, co-educational institution founded in 2013.
The Green School educates students from around the world, ranging in age between 3 and 14 years and instructed by both locally and internationally trained educators. The school has adopted a flexible model of teaching and learning with students in Middle and High School (opening 2022) working both on campus and online. The school has an average class size of 15 students with a student-teacher ratio of 9:1.
The Green School campus is spread out across a beautiful three hectare farm on an estate in Chartwell North, Johannesburg, South Africa. The farm offers many opportunities for students to work with, observe and care for the animals; including horses, cows, chickens, emus and dogs.